一枚の特選フォト⌈海 & 船⌋

One Selected Photo "Oceans & Ships"

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「メイフラワーII号」(復元船) のグレート・キャビン&航海用具 [米国プリモス]

「メイフラワー号 (Mayflower)」は、英国のプリモスを最後の陸地として出帆し、大西洋を横断し、1620年ついに清教徒一団 (ピルグリム・ファーザー) を新大陸に送り届けた。画像はその復元船「メイフラワーII号 (Mayflower II)」の船尾楼にある「グレート・ キャビン」内部である。1620年では、この部屋はクリストファー・ジョンズ船長によって占有されたようである。 簡易なベッド、海図やクロス・スタッフなどの航海用具入れが置かれたテーブルが見える。

The Great Cabin:
In the 17th century, the Great Cabin of a merchant ship was generally the quarters of the ship's master. In 1620, this cabin was most likely occupied by Master Christopher Jones. During Mayflower II's historic voyage across the Atlantic in 1957, .........The Great Cabin was used as the radio room and recreation room for the watch officers.

[2002.8.24 米国東海岸マサチューセッツ州プリモス (Plymouth, Masachussetts) にて][拡大画像: x27896.jpg][拡大画像: x27893.jpg]

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1 & 2. チップ・ログ。説明パネルには次のように記される。
Chip-log: The chip-log measures the speed of the ship. It consists of a board weighted on one edge which is attached to a line with knots at regular intervals. To use it, the sailor tossed the board into ocean, and counted how many knots ran out in a short space of time, usually half a minute. By multiplying the length of line by the number of time units, he could figure out how fast the ship was traveling per hour.

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3 & 4. トラバース・ボード。板の上方には32方位、下方には0~9の数字が2回一列に記されている。説明パネルには次のように記される。
Traverse Board: The traverse board has two sections: a compass rose marked with 32 points and a grid of holes below to record the time and speed. To use it, the crewman on watch places pegs in the appropriate holes each half-hour to log the ship's speed and direction. At the end of the four-hour watch, the ship's master or navigator could record how far the ship had traveled, and clear the board for the next watch.

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5. sound lead 測鉛線
6. クロス・スタッフ。説明パネルには次のように記される。
Cross-staff: The cross-staff consists of a straight staff, marked in degrees and minutes, and a transom (vertical cross-piece) which slides alog the staff. To use it, line up the lower end of the transom with the horizon. At "noon" line up the top end with the bottom of the sun. If it's "dawn" or "sunset," line up the top with the Pole Star. By determining the angle of the sun over the horizon at noon, or the location of the Pole Star at sunset or dawn, you, as the navigator, can determine the vessel's latitude (north-south position).

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7. 温かい食べ物を作るためのかまど。
8. 当時の食事の再現(清水・ワイン樽、レーズン、堅パン、チーズなど)。

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