所在地: Circular Rd., Port of Spain, Trinidad, W.I.
    首都ポート・オブ・スペイン市内のKapok Hotelのすぐ近くにある。
    TEL: 809-622-3530, FAX: 809-622-7808
    Hours(開館時間): 毎日9:30-18:00

    The Zoological Society of Trinidad and Tobago was incorporated by Ordinance No.12 of 1952 dated April 3rd, 1952, and the Zoo opened to the public for the first time on November 8th, 1952, exhibiting a modest collection of local animals drawn from private collections and interested members of the newly founded society.

    The Aquarium displays mainly fresh-water fishes. Trinidad has approximately 75 species of fresh-water fish. These include those that live strictly in fresh water and those that move between fresh water and brackish water. Most of the fresh-water fishes are virtually unknown to the general public, who are usually more interested in the pretty fishes of the coral reefs and exotic pet trade.

    エンペラーバレー動物園に併設された小さな水族館。20余りの小さい水槽には、トニダード・トバゴや中南米、 アフリカの主に淡水魚を中心に展示されている。例えば、tarpon、catfish、cichlid(カワスズメ)、 tetra(テトラ)など。[画像: 水族館内展示室][訪問:1989.11.4-11.13]

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