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大気圧潜水のスーツ&ヘルメット [香港海事博物館]

1. 潜水服、ヘルメット、ウェイト、ブーツなどを展示する。 [拡大画像: x27128.jpg]

2. 説明パネルには「Atmospheric diving suits are called JIM suits after Jim Jarrett, shown here ready to dive 312' down to the Lusitania wreck in 1935. NOAA」と記される。概略: 大気圧潜水服は Jim Jarrett に因んでJIMと称される。 1935年難破船「ルシタニア号」へ海底下312フィート (約95m) まで潜水する用意が整った状況にある。
[拡大画像: x27131.jpg][拡大画像: x27149.jpg: 「海洋探究」と題するもう一つの説明パネル][photo by NOAA, USA]
[参考]foot (pl. feet): 記号は「 ' 」; 1'=1フィート=30.48㎝

3. ヘルメット19個と靴一組が展示される。 [拡大画像: x27134.jpg]

画像は香港海事博物館に展示される大気圧での潜水のための潜水服とヘルメットなどである。 「海洋探究」と題する説明パネル等には次のように記されている。

    Deep thoughts
    The world of modern commercial or professional diving is one of immense technical sophistication and ingenuity requiring complex equipment to support it. The first Atomospheric Diving Suit (ADS) that enabled divers to work at great depths came into use in 1898. An upgraded version, made by the German firm of Neufeldt and Kuhnke, was used when divers salvaged gold from the sunken P&O liner Egypt in 1922, at a depth of 125m. Today's sophisticated suits enabled a US Navy diver to reach a record depth of 600m in 2006. Although 'tethered' as a safety measure, a modern ADS leaves the diver free to manoeuvre independently when not in contact with the seabed.

    At lesser - but still considerable - depths where underwater installations for the offshore industry are maintained, equipment used includes submerged diving bells and dive support vessels with moon-pools that allow for continuous working. Divers using saturation diving technology breathe gas mixtures (oxygen, nitrogen, helium, hydrogen), allowing them to work at depths of 534m which is the current working record. An array of equipment enables construction, repairs, measurement, communication, photography and filming. Remotely Operated Vehicles facilitate operation at depths of 6,000m.
    [拡大画像: x27132.jpg: 「海洋探究」と題する説明パネル]

    Deep Thoughts
    In Chinese history, the earliest record of diving is of Song Dynasty pearl divers in Hainan, who probably worked underwater by holding their breath.

    Song Yingxing's (1587-1666) Tiangong Kaiwu (Encyclopaedia on technical issues), written in 1637 during the Ming Dynasty, contains a woodcut that illustrates diving with surface air provided underwater in some form. Its description of working underwater at depths of 120-125m is puzzling and improbable: even today, with technically sophisticated diving equipment and techniques, working at that depth would be difficult. Still it suggests that an air supply may have been provided at shallower depths.

    The basic requirements for people to work underwater for long periods, at any depth, are a supply of air; the ability to move about freely; the ability to see clearly; and tools that enable them to conduct their work. A major breakthrough towards this goal came in 1837 when Augustus Siebe patented the first design of what became the classic 'hard hat' diving suit. It was used in Hong Kong by 1880 and without the suit that evolved from this design, the epic clearance of Victoria Harbour in 1946-1948 would have been impossible.
    2.[拡大画像: x27149.jpg: 「海洋探究」と題するもう一つの説明パネル][拡大画像: x27150.jpg: 同上]

[画像撮影: 2015.11.21 香港海事博物館にて]

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4. [パネル説明書き] 1988年に中国で製造されたヘルメット。今もってオリジナルのスズめっきの表面(tinplate surface) を保っている。使用にともなって剥げ落ちてくるところ、古いヘルメットがすべて銅色化している訳はそこにある。
"This helmet was made in China in 1988. It still has the original timplate surface. In use this wore off, which is why older helmets are only copper coloured." [拡大画像: x27151.jpg][拡大画像: x27133.jpg: 説明書き]
5. 展示全景。 [拡大画像: x27152.jpg]

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